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My name is Jim Moses, LCSW, and I am the CEO and Clinical Director and Co-Founder of Alliance Mental Health Services, Inc. Now located in St. Petersburg, FL, I have been a life long resident of the state of Maine where I spent 1999 to 2017 working with the Counseling and Psychotherapy Centers, Inc. There I established the foundations of many practices, serving as clinician, clinical supervisor; consultant; and clinical trainer. I willfully take on the responsibility of supervising community-based programs; inpatient prison treatment programs, and both state and federally contracted treatment services. I employ time, care, and attention towards risk assessment and the prescription of associated healing tools. As a company we create and transform treatment programs to provide comfort for both youth and adults of all genders. Jim also developed CPC’s first non-offending partner support group which he ran for over 7 years. I am glad you visited our site today and I am looking forward to working with you.

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Our Story

During Jim's first year of being in Florida, Jim met and went into business with Mr. Jerry
Evens, LCSW and President of Alliance Mental Health Services, LLC. Jerry had owned and operated
AMHS since 1992 and had focused the company’s services on providing contracted clinical services to
assisted living homes, nursing homes, and other residential care programs. When Jim and Jerry joined forces
they updated the treatment systems, technical tools, and modernized document and contract storage;
signed on several new facilitates; and have hired many additional therapists and licensed psychologists.
AMHS became redefined and scaled to accommodate those in need in Pinellas County.


Let us get ready to heal and grow together. My team and I will be here for you every step of the way.


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